What We Trade


Trading equities can potentially generate above average returns and sustainable returns in the longer term compared to other investments. We trade both short- and long-term investments in equities listed on US, UK, EU, China and Hong Kong exchanges.

Our selection process focuses on companies with strong balance sheets, quality business models and good management as well as running event driven strategies. We conduct valuation analysis on each security relative to its historical range, industry peers, growth rates and the market trends.


We actively trade FOREX taking advantage of its liquidity and high intraday volatility.

The high liquidity and volume combined with low comparative margin requirements makes the FOREX Market lucrative.


We trade the liquid energy and precious metal commodities such as oil and gold to diversify our proprietary portfolio.

Commodities trading works in the same way as speculating on any other market, in that buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods. The only difference is that commodities can be bought and sold at a current and future price.


We trade derivative instruments such as call and put options and futures contracts to hedge our risk exposure or take advantage of the market spreads.

Derivatives can be traded in two distinct ways. The first is over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, that see the terms of the contract privately negotiated between the parties involved (a non-standardised contract) in an unregulated market.

The second way to trade derivatives is through a regulated exchange that offers standardised contracts. This provides the benefit of having the exchange act as an intermediary, helping you avoid the counter party risk that comes with unregulated OTC contracts.


Trading equities can potentially generate above average returns and sustainable returns in the longer term compared to other investments. We trade both short- and long-term investments in equities listed on US, UK, EU, China and Hong Kong exchanges.

Our selection process focuses on companies with strong balance sheets, quality business models and good management as well as running event driven strategies. We conduct valuation analysis on each security relative to its historical range, industry peers, growth rates and the market trends.


We actively trade FOREX taking advantage of its liquidity and high intraday volatility.

The high liquidity and volume combined with low comparative margin requirements makes the FOREX Market lucrative.


We trade the liquid energy and precious metal commodities such as oil and gold to diversify our proprietary portfolio.

Commodities trading works in the same way as speculating on any other market, in that buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods. The only difference is that commodities can be bought and sold at a current and future price.


We trade derivative instruments such as call and put options and futures contracts to hedge our risk exposure or take advantage of the market spreads.

Derivatives can be traded in two distinct ways. The first is over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, that see the terms of the contract privately negotiated between the parties involved (a non-standardised contract) in an unregulated market.

The second way to trade derivatives is through a regulated exchange that offers standardised contracts. This provides the benefit of having the exchange act as an intermediary, helping you avoid the counter party risk that comes with unregulated OTC contracts.